In light of the United States Department of Health & Human Services’ (HHS) HIPAA omnibus ruling regarding Business Associates (BA), ESPO Systems is pleased to announce the creation of a HIPAA HITECH 1,2,3 Program. This program will leverage the industry leading Websense Data Security solution and will entail the following 3 steps:

Step 1 – Quick Start installation of the Websense Triton Enterprise technology. ESPO will enable health care organizations, Covered Entities and/or Business Associates, to better secure their environment and ensure that ePHI is not leaving without sufficient controls. By the end of this one week installation all primary threat vectors will be addressed… as well as data leakage channels.

Step 2 – A senior ESPO consultant will work with the organization to investigate ePHI and PII violations to determine which risks are deemed to be acceptable/unacceptable by the organization. After an eight week process, the HIPAA rules will be sufficiently accurate to enable controls.

Step 3 – A HIPAA focused lawyer will review Data Security violations and rules to help determine applicability to the internal HIPAA Policy as well as provide guidance on how to reduce potential liabilities.

In summary, it is worth considering ESPO’s involvement in working with HHS when creating their own Data Security program to address internal HIPAA requirements. ESPO can thereby utilize this same expertise to enable similar results for you and your organization.   

Released January 27, 2015